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Dear Parents,



          Welcome to 7th and 8th Grade Life Skills Class in Room 201!  I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with your child.  I have taught at Salvador Garcia Middle School in grades sixth through eighth for 2 years.   I have my bachelor's degree in Science and have training and certification in Home Education and Physical Education Development.


 Welcome to 7th and 8th Grade Physical Education Class in Room 201/GYM!  I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with your child.  I have taught at Salvador Garcia Middle School in grades sixth through eighth for 2 years.   I have my bachelor's degree in Science and have training and certification in Home Education and Physical Education Development.



         The purpose of this letter is give you some general information that will help your child make a smooth transition into Middle School. Enthusiasm for learning and maintaining a productive on-task environment is important.  I talked in class about how we could work together to make our classroom a fun and safe place to learn.  We will continue to discuss behaviors that enhance learning in the upcoming weeks.
   I believe in focusing on the positive and will recognize individual children, as well as the class, when I see behaviors and work habits that are conducive to learning.  If a child exhibits behaviors that  get in the way of his/her learning of others, that child and teacher will work together to get his/her back on track.
      Students and Parents will have ClassDojo  communication App . It will have a story board where students and parents will see their homework, pictures and other important information.  It will facilitate home-school communication, so please ask your child to show it to you each night.
I feel that children learn best when teachers and parents work together.  Please feel free to contact me at school by phone (956-473-50501 or email and I will get back to you within 24 hours.  So that your children will get the most out of the school day, I will be unable to use classroom time to meet with parents. 
         I look forward to meeting you!




                                                                   Sincerely, Coach Castro